Tuesday 2 March 2010

On duck flirtation

It is funny how female ducks of several different species share a common language when it comes to courtship. Take for example the Goldeneye and the Great Crested Grebe. They are a different species and each quite dissimilar from the other but when it comes to attracting a mate they both act the same. The behaviour I captured (In ultra slow motion) over the weekend shows a courtship performance between the two sets of birds. First the female lowers her head very close to the water and then floats very still. She is saying "If you want to impress me, you better do it now". It is remarkable how both species do this.

The male response is unique to each species. The male Goldeneye sticks his head up and hoots at the sky. This is normally followed by a stretching of one wing followed by a stretching of the other wing. Yes it looks silly to us, but to a female Goldeneye this is impressive.

The male Great Crested Grebe however goes one better. The male spots that the female has her head down and then dives under water. He then majestically surfaces in front of her and copies her every move. For a few seconds he is her reflection. Then they part. For both of these birds we are seeing only the beginning of the courtship. This dancing will go on for several weeks yet and in the case of the Great Crested Grebe become quite energetic before they settle down and build a nest.

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