Of course back in 2003 we walked from the bus stop on the road near Axe Edge Moor, over Oliver Hill, through Flash and then down to the Youth Hostel near the Roaches themselves. This photo shows Oliver Hill (about 3 miles away) from the summit. The hill in the near ground is Cut Thorn Hill.
The vast Whetstone ridge fills the eastern horizon.
Further to the north Shining Tor.
Looking South over the flanks of the Roaches you can just see Tittesworth Reservoir that dominates the view from the Roaches itself.
And now for the Roaches. It was a similarly hot day when I was there looking this way.
Another feature that you can't help but notice from The Roaches and from Shuttlingsloe is the Silk 106.9 FM radio tower on Sutton Common to the East.
Sutton Common from a distance. The small hill to the left is the Cloud.